Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is viewed by physiotherapists as a complementary rather than an alternative therapy.
Acupuncture can be very effective, with extremely rare side effects, although the theories on how it works are not fully understood.
Modern science has shown that acupuncture stimulates the brain to produce natural pain-relieving chemicals called endorphins. These assist the body to heal itself and provide pain relief. The traditional view is that there are energy meridians running throughout the body. When our bodies are healthy, there is plenty of energy and it flows smoothly. However, if we fall ill, the energy flow is disrupted. Needles are inserted into the body within these meridians as a means of restoring balance and promoting the body’s own natural healing properties.
Increasingly Physiotherapists are using acupuncture as an adjunct to manual treatments, and there is good evidence for its effectiveness.
Many conditions may be helped by acupuncture including;
Acute or chronic injuries
Muscle & joint problems
Back & neck pain
Arthritis & rheumatism
Sports injuries
Headaches & many more
Chartered Physiotherapists who wish to practice acupuncture have to become members of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP), which ensures all clinicians are qualified to practice safe & effective treatment, bound by strict professional & ethical codes of good conduct.
“Acupuncture is viewed by physiotherapists as a complementary rather than an alternative therapy”
“I have received acupuncture treatment for back pain at Physio23 after my accident. It was helpful, my therapist was very friendly and made me feel at ease. I would definitely be happy to go back!”
— Mr A G from St Albans, Herts
Physio23 Treatments